Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Editing Venn Diagrams

When you have created a Venn Diagram, click the icon at the bottom of the screen to display the configuration screen to edit settings such as resolution level and the segments that are displayed.

The following configuration options are available:

  • Name: The name of the Venn chart. It will not appear on the chart itself but is used for identification purposes when linking documents.
  • Base Filter: The base filter can be previous criteria, that is the output from a parent segment or chart, or alternatively it can be a filter created by dragging criteria from the Data Explorer.
  • Resolution Level: What is actually being counted, that is the table that the counts will be derived from.
  • Filters: Lists the segments included in the Venn. You can add segments on this screen, or AND segments together, depending on where you drop them in the tree.
  • Venn Title: This is the title of the Venn that will appear on the chart itself.

When you have finished configuring the settings, click the icon to return to the Venn Diagram.

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